Infertility is generally defined as inability to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex. For couples hoping to become parent, difficulty conceiving a baby can be frustrating and unexpected. Many couples who struggle with infertility may end up having children, sometimes with medical help.

It’s difficult to cope with infertility. However, we can make things more difficult for ourselves at times. Of course, not on purpose! It’s possible we don’t realize that living with infertility can be any other way than difficult or we’re simply unaware that we’re sabotaging ourselves.

The journey to conception may be a time of uncertainty for many couples. Here are some tips that may help when trying to conceive.

1. Stop blaming yourself
It’s time for you to quit blaming yourself. Even if you are able to find a method to make it “your responsibility,” you should refrain from blaming yourself. It’s not going to help. You become depressed as a result of it. Furthermore, the majority of cases of infertility are unpredictable. Let go of the blame game and concentrate on what matters most right now: moving forward and solving the problem.

2. There is HOPE
Some days you may feel hopeless, certain that you’ll never be able to have children or that your life will never be joyful. However, you feel, remember there is hope! If you are unable to create a biological child, you may be able to use an embryo, egg, or sperm donor. If you are unable to use donor gametes, you may be able to adopt. If you are unable to adopt, keep in mind that people can live happy, normal lives without having children. To be clear, none of these alternative options will miraculously make the discomfort disappear. You’ll need time to grieve and heal from the tragedy that comes with infertility.

3. Enjoy intimacy
Sex can quickly deteriorate from a pleasurable experience to a chore. When you’re trying to conceive, sex can serve as a reminder of your infertility. You probably didn’t think of sex as anything other than a way to get pregnant before you tried to conceive. However, sex transforms into a broken conception machine after you struggle with conception. All of the passion, connection or warm feelings may go, so try to enjoy intimacy with your partner regardless of infertility.

4. Get counseling
About 2-3 months before trying to conceive, make an appointment with your gynecologist to discuss your reproductive goals and counsel you on the best possible fertility treatment to achieve your goal.

5. Have regular screening
Ensure you have regular screening such as pap smear or infectious screening as some of these diseases may lead to a delay in reproduction.

6. Be aware of your family history
Infertility is a medical condition that may also be hereditary. Make research on how often your female relatives got pregnant and ensure you find out if you’re a carrier of cystic fibrosis before trying to conceive.

7. Check your thyroid levels
Thyroid hormones are important for the metabolism of cells in our body. A change of your thyroid levels from normal range is an indication of hormonal imbalance which may lead to difficulty in trying to conceive or even miscarriage.

8. Ensure your man get tested too
Gone are the days where the women solely bear the grunt of infertility. Studies have shown that infertility could be from both male and female factor. It is advisable for the male partner to have a basic semen analysis to ascertain his sperm counts when trying to conceive.

9. Use sperm-friendly vaginal lubricants
There are so many vaginal lubricants available over-the-counter that destroys sperm movement and affects the cells viability, but when trying to conceive, it is advisable to use water-lubricant that are advertised as “fertility-friendly” or “sperm-friendly”.

10. Limit your alcohol / caffeine intake
High intake of caffeine or alcohol may damage sperm DNA and even inhibit sperm production. In female, high consumption of caffeine may inhibit ovulation and cause irregular menstrual cycle, thereby leading to infertility.

11. Limit exposure to cigarette
Cigarette smoke negatively affects blood supply to the female ovaries and leads to pregnancy complications. Continuous exposure to cigarette smoke could lead to infertility.

12. Maintain a healthy body weight
Overweight or obesity may lead to high production of the hormone estrogen which thickens the uterine lining and prevents conception. In male, obesity affects sperm quality by increasing the temperature surrounding the scrotum, thereby burning up the sperm cells produced. Overweight or obesity may also lead to erectile dysfunction and loss of libido in men.

13. Moderate Exercise
Studies suggests that high impact exercises may hinder conception. However, it is advisable to exercise moderately to keep the blood pumping.

Hope may mean lot of things to different people but there is no denying that beginning a fertility journey means you are full of hope. Trying to get pregnant is a journey that requires hope, grit and lots of pregnancy strips. Be sure to also seek support in your partner. Speak to each other. Share your fears with each other, including the scary ones, like worries that your partner will leave you because you’re infertile. Lean on each other. If infertility has harmed your relationship, see a therapist together to address the issues. Trust in God and believe in your body. Remember to use your time here on Earth wisely. Stop putting all your focus on getting pregnant and spread out some of that effort. Don’t forget to live the rest of your life. Once there is LIFE, there is HOPE!

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