In This Article

If you thought that the only reason people have sex was for pleasure, here’s some insight for you about marriage and sex.

Not only would there be positive implications on your relationship as one of the benefits of regular sexbut the health benefits of regular sex can also be enormous. 

We all know that one of the most basic reasons to have sex is procreation. However, if we are able to maintain an appropriate frequency of being intimate with our partner, we stand to benefit in a major way. 

To understand how often you should have sex with your spouse, we need to know how often married couples have sex? Is it good to have sex every day? How to have more sex in a marriage?

Even though love-making health benefits are more than obvious, after attaining a certain sex frequency, the degree of relationship satisfaction is not affected.

This article aims to help you understand the health benefits of sex for females and the benefits of sex for men. 

Women! You can now save money from expensive anti-aging creams, as research proves that one of the health benefits of daily sex with husband is that it can take at least seven years off your face! Thus making the benefits of daily sex even more instrumental. 

Similarly, there are plenty of sex benefits for men in their marriage. It can help them burn calories, sleep better, promote happiness, longevity, great health, and well-being.

We give you 10 health benefits of sex with your sexual partner frequently.

1. Slash stress

One of the essential research points out that couples who have sex regularly cope better with stressful situations.

During sex, our bodies produce dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin– all these help in de-stressing, elevating moods, and promoting desire. Cuddling after sex also reduces the body’s level, the hormone that is secreted whenever you’re stressed. 

Stress has become one of the most evident aspects of our adult lives, and even though sex acts as a great stress buster, the conundrum is that stress often leads to a further decent in sexual intimacy

Thus, you and your spouse need to ensure that you do not allow stress to chip away at your relationship.

2. Lower your blood pressure

Forms of physical contact or intimacy can improve your blood pressure outstandingly. Frequent intercourse, even if it’s a quickie, can reduce diastolic blood pressure & keep you healthier.

3. Cut the risk of Cancer

Another health benefits of sex are that it reduces the chances of developing cancer, particularly prostate cancer among men. This is mainly because it clears the prostate of toxins that could otherwise linger in and trigger cancerous issues later on.

This is a good reason to have frequent sex with your partner.

4. Boost your immunity

Fight colds and flu with sex! Antigens like immunoglobulin A are released during the activity, fighting common colds and even flu. More antigens released means stronger immunity and a healthier body.

5. Sleep better

Suffering from insomnia? 

You know what to do! Sex, like exercise, increases your heart rate, which then helps the body to relax. Feel-good hormones are released, promoting better sleep and rest.  This is one of the major benefits of sex in marriage.

6. Get regular periods and erase cramps

Women, if you face irregular periods, it could be due to a hectic lifestyle. Reduced levels of stress can have a positive impact on your menstrual cycle too.

More good news: it can even help period pain diminish considerably.

Last but not least, another health benefit of sex regularly not only reduces pain due to the release of endorphins but also increases your tolerance to pain.

7. Prevent a heart attack

Sex is enjoyable cardio. It helps our bodies burn calories, improving overall heart health. Research indicates that having sex at least three times a week could lower your chances (by half) of having a heart attack or stroke.

The only thing to remember is that sex must remain a frequent activity this way. It would definitely help you precipitate the chances of suffering from a heart attack. However, infrequent sex also has a counter effect wherein it can strain your heart’s blood flow.

8. Drive away depression

While sex with your spouse over time can take away from the thrill and excitement of physical intimacy, it can still have some positive effects on your mind. Sex causes your brain to release feel-good chemicals that lift your moods.

The body’s key antidepressant chemical (or happy hormone) Serotonin is released during the activity that makes people happy, joyous, and relaxed. More sex equals more serotonin & no depression.

9. Look younger and attractive

Having regular sex can make you look younger than your age. Men and women with an active love life enjoy many youth-enhancing effects and appear at least 7 years younger than they really are! Additionally, it even enhances your appeal.

The frequent sexual activity makes your body release a chemical called pheromones that increase your appeal & makes you look attractive. It enhances your sense of smell, improves digestion, and gives you healthy skin associated with DHEA release by the body.

10. Spur your self-esteem

People who have sex regularly feel more confident about themselves and their bodies.

A key benefit, sex improves your self-esteem and feel great. Regular sex can boost your cognitive functions and memory performance, which helps you perform better in other aspects of your life.

Still wondering about the health benefits of sex with your spouse? Do it daily, and find out!

NEXT: 8 Common Causes of Low Sex Drive in Marriage


                                                                      Rachael Pace